Scope of the project
- Product requirements
- App design
- App development
- App testing
- App search optimization
- Support and maintenance
Key Features Implemented
Create multiple grocery shopping lists
The user can add new items to the shopping list, and it will be saved to his favorite things. In this way, users can add their own liking of products to the grocery listing app at any point in time. The user could be able to edit or remove the added items in the future.
Predefined pantry list
The app also has got a predefined pantry list that can help the user find the usual grocery items to be added to the list. Any number of items can be selected from the predefined list to their own custom grocery shopping lists.
Keep track of to-do list
Carry bag provides a secure shopping to the users by allowing them to keep track of what pantry store products has been purchased and what is remaining in the to-do list.
Feedback report
Users can report their feedback to our admin portal about the shopping experience by using the carry bag shopping list. It can be done using the chat feature where the user can chat with the admin and get things sorted out.
Share your shopping list
The shopping list can be instantly shared between multiple members and shopped as we wish. The shared shopping list has a unique feature where we don't need to fill the personal details each time you share. It is as simple as calling a person from our contact list. We could sync our phone contact with the app and share the shopping list to any person on the contact book in our phone.
How We Do It?
As a leading mobile app development enterprise, we create solutions that captivate users and achieve business goals. Making use of modern technology & industry experience, our full-stack developers develop successful, highly responsive android apps that hit Quick Time to Market. The hybrid application was developed using ionic four and angular to come up with the best UI. Cordova plugins have been used to add native features. For the storage purpose MySQL, DB is used.
The Carry Bag iOS application was created on native platform. Its features and functionalities support all iOS OS versions. We used Xcode iOS development tool to build the carry bag shopping list on iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices. Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Apple for mac, iphone, and ipad OS.
Our challenges were to create the e-commerce app more user-friendly, eye-catchy, and easy to navigate, for the customers and entrepreneurs. Usability refers to the apps' user interface, so we designed icons with unique color palettes. We also focused on customer obsession. We created wireframes, data flow diagrams, and clickable prototypes for a better understanding of the client's idea.
Technology Stack Used
Making use of modern technology & industry experience, our full-stack developers develop successful, highly responsive android apps that hit Quick Time to Market.

How It Works
This app is used for all circumstances such as while organizing parties and purchase is done by multiple persons, shopping groceries for a whole family. , packing things, while going for a tour and so on.
A group of circles can be created between family members, friends, colleagues, etc. And the shopping lists can be shared within the group. Each user can view the other connected user profile or vice versa.
Ionic 4 and Angular7 technologies have been used for app development. The shopping histories, user profile and login credentials are securely stored in Mongo DB.

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- Actionable insights into the best technology suited for your project
- Project implementation plan and delivery roadmap
- Compliance and engagement model
- Projected cost and development time-frame