Knowledge Checkers – E-learning Platform
Knowledge checkers is an online digital e-learning application providing a one-stop solution to host your Flipped Classroom based on the bloom taxonomy model and learn management system.

Knowledge checkers is an online digital e-learning application providing a one-stop solution to host your Flipped Classroom based on the bloom taxonomy model and learn management system.
The flipped classroom is an e-learning technique, where lectures are replaced with videos, assignments, class polling, class tests, etc. KC is a platform integrated with the flipped classroom theory to demonstrate high interaction between students, which helps create a learning community. It encourages them to build knowledge together inside and outside the classroom through pedagogy activities.
Pre-class - According to Bloom taxonomy, the lower level of cognitive activity like Understanding and Remembering takes place during pre-class exercise. In class - During the in-class activity, students engage in higher cognitive levels (Applying & Analysing) of learning with peers and teachers present Post-class - During post-class activity, students engage in higher cognitive levels (Creating & Evaluating).
KC focuses on your student knowledge enrichment, growth, and allows student perspective way of e-learning. Online class polling and class test activities are conducted to understand the student knowledge gained throughout the course. During the class polling activity, the teacher could scan the QR cards provided for each student using the scanner part available in the online teacher app.
Get instant insights into your school with a built-in report generation tool on the KC web app. Keep track of the student and teacher performance during the course period. Collect report/progress data and store it in the cloud for future planning. Comparisons between each grade level can be easily made, and initiative measures can be taken for low performance.
R&d on the class-polling QR card scanning was a great challenge faced by the android team. Open CV libraries were used for identifying the card number. Calibration function finds the camera resolution and real-world map positions. Android native KC application was developed using android sdk29, Android NDK, and android studio 3.6.3 development kits. The digital e-learning app was build based on the MVVM design pattern.
The challenges faced by the iOS team were with the QR card scanning in the mobile e-learning app, during the class polling. When the scanning is taken with a tilted gadget, the exact answer on the scanner card was not captured. The team used different algorithms to fix the issue and finally hit the right solution. It was made possible by considering 45 degree left and right side values. IOS app front-end was built using swift 5 technologies. The Aruco library was used for integrating the scanner part.
Our full-stack developers endeavored to trigger questions to all students within a fraction of a second when the teacher starts the class test or class polling. The solution for challenges was fixed by publishing. In Node js, the main problem was the seeding and migration across all institution databases because the database structure is a single tenant. The solution for this was fixed by using Sequelize package ORM for migration and seeding. It will seed across all databases, and new migrations were run for all databases.
Making use of modern technology & industry experience, our full-stack developers develop successful, highly responsive android apps that hit Quick Time to Market.
KC provides you with seamless user experience and polish user interface. After the design process, front-end design and Back-end development services take place in action.
KC app before reaching the live market, it has gone through both manual and automation unit testing.
We have first deployed our web server (API) into the scalable production environment. Second, we have deployed your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and monitor it through mobile analytics platforms and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Knowledge checkers hosts your online course materials for you and backs up your online digital e-learning website and student data, so you don’t have to worry about data loss. You could own and control all of the interactive online free course materials and student’s data from your KC web app on your own domain name.
Web app development is based on MVVM architecture in angular 8.2, app coded with reusable components from top to end. Mosquitto MQTT protocol is implemented as a Web Socket connection. Node js technology and express framework have been used for the back-end. The app is developed with single-tenant architecture, and each institution has its unique databases. The online e-learning app is developed with reusable codes and dynamic functions. Queries are implemented dynamically.
KC online teaching app was developed using the JIRA agile methodology software, a centralized, highly customizable project management system. Here user interface design, development, and quality assurance take place in an iterative process. Scrum meetings were conducted for the scrum team, and daily status was updated, the scrum master took MOM of the meeting. The project manager checked out the project summaries and reports at each stage of the mobile and web app development to get an overall idea of how the online learning teaching project was going.
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